The Master of Pemblane (A Universal Truth)

For those of you have asked about the sequel 🙂 to my P&P tribute novel – it is underway and I hope to complete, including the proof reading stage, by mid March!!! (Phew! No pressure then…)
In response to a very valid criticism from one reader VERY disappointed to find that Emerald is part one of a two parter 😦 Sorry – I did identify the book as part of a series on my publishing dashboard but this information didn’t appear on the customer facing page. I really do apologise.

A Universal Truth 1 – Emerald

Many apologies for neglecting my blog 😦
My excuse is the best one – I’ve been writing, rewriting and editing like a crazy woman…Hm!
Part one is now released in a rather different form than the NaNoWriMo format and a considerably longer than the 50,000 words that I thought I would never complete…:-)
Please give it a try…
The follow up which is set 5 years later ties up all the lose ends and solves the mysteries that haunt the first part.
Many thanks to all of you who have followed my scribblings and given me such positive feedback
Back soon! xoxo